Electrolyte drinks

Electrolyte drinks        



Ions :

Ions are the charged particles, which move towards the positive pole or negative pole. They are formed when electrical current being passed through a solution of electrolytes.

Anion :

Ions moves toward the positive pole are Called anion. 


Ions moves toward the negative pole are called cation. 



Electrolytes are the compound which can be dissociated into anion and cation on an electric current being passed.

Electrolytes of the body :

Major electrolytes found in the human body;

  ➤ sodium 134-146 mmol/L 

  ➤ Calcium 2.12 - 6.12 mmol/L

  ➤ Potassium 3.6 - 5.0 mmol/L

  ➤ Bicarbonate 23 -31 mmol /L

  ➤ Chloride 96 -107 mmol/L

  ➤ Magnesium 0.65 -1.05mmol/ L

  ➤ Phosphat 0.74 -1.52 mmol/L

  ➤ Sulphate 310 -990 mmol/ L

Functions of electrolytes : 

General functions of electrolytes;

 ☞ Essential for muscular activities.

 ☞ Essential for myocardial activities.

 ☞ Important for nerve function.

 ☞ Essential for membrane transport. 

 ☞ Electrolytes play a vital role in maintaining homeostasis within the body.

Electrolyte imbalances : 

Electrolyte imbalance is common clinical problem. Electrolyte imbalances can develop by the following mechanisms : 

 ☞ Hyper state ; Such condition occurs by excessive ingestion ; 

Diminished elimination of an electrolyte ; as a result body concentration of this electrolyte become increased. e.g. in renal failure hyper state of electrolytes can develop.

 ☞ Hypo state ; Such condition occurs by diminished ingestion or excessive elimination of an electrolyte ; as a result body concentration of this electrolyte become decreased. e.g. in diarrhoea hypo state of electrolytes can develop.


Normal value : 

Normal value of serum sodium is 134 - 146 mmol/L.

Functions of sodium :

As an electrolyte functions of sosium includes

 ✪ Maintain osmotic pressure of blood and other tissue fluids.

 ✪ Preserve normal irritability of muscle.

 ✪ Maintain normal water balance.

 ✪ play an inportant role in absorption of glucose. 

 ✪ Regulate acid base balance.

Imbalance : 

 ➤ Hypo state : Hyponatremia 

 ➤ Hyper state : Hypernatremia.

Hyponatremia : 

It is a clinical vondition when the blood level of sodium decreased than normal. 

Hypernatremia : 

It is a clinical condition when the blood level of sodium increased than normal.


Normal value ;

Normal value of serum Bicarbonate is - 23 -31 mmol/L.

Function of Calcium;

As an electrolye function of calcium includes. 

 ✪ Helps in blood coagulation 

 ✪ Helps in different enzyme activation.

 ✪ Essentail for formation of bone and teeth. 

 ✪ Regulate neuromuscular excitability.

 ✪ Essential for nerve impulses and muscular contraction. 

Calcium Imbalance: 

 ☞ Hypo state : Hypocalcemia

 ☞ Hyper state : Hyper calcemia

Hypocalcemia :

It is a clinical condition when the blood level of calcium decreased than normal.

Hyper calcemia :

It is a clinical condition when the blood level of calcium increased than normal.


Normal value :

Normal value of serum potassium is 3.6 - 5.0 mmol/L.

Functions of potassium : 

As an electrolyte functions of Potassium includes

 ✪ Influence acid base balance.

 ✪ Play a vital role in conduction of nerve impulses. 

 ✪ Influence the activity of cardiac muscle. 

 ✪ Maintain intracellular osmotic pressure.

Imbalance :

 ☞ Hypo state : Hypokaliemia 

 ☞ Hyper state : Hyperkaliemia.

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